
Spirit Tales – Unusual Occurrences Missions

My character on Spirit Tales.

My character on Spirit Tales.

English documentation for the game Spirit Tales/Glory Destiny Online sucks, so this is my attempt at improving the information available on the interwebz. The wikis available for the game are also far from complete. x_x Hope my updated compilation of information helps someone have less frustration with the game.

Each map will have five Unusual Occurrences missions. Completing all the missions in one map will reward you with a Capsule Coin (CC). Completing all the Unusual Occurrences achievements in the entire kingdom will reward you with three Protective Crystals (PC). [source] All of these missions can be redone to gain special buffs.

As a note, I will only update with quests that I have completed myself and verified. If I do not get around to playing all the missions, this guide will be indefinitely incomplete!


Monitoring Your Rabbits Remotely

Sleeping bunnies, Foscam FI8910W, 240p.

Relaxing bunnies.

Being able to watch your rabbits — and any other pet, really — when you are not home can be very comforting (and entertaining) when you are off at work or on vacation. It can give you a great peace of mind when you can see your rabbit visually hopping around on your phone or computer screen and not loafing in pain in a corner. Personally, I had never thought of monitoring my rabbits remotely until the instance a couple years ago when the fire alarm went off in the apartment, and the bunnies freaked out in their x-pen and almost bashed their brains out.


Hay Bale Sources in the SF Bay Area

bales of hay

Bales of hay at Mary's Tack & Feed

The best money-saving tip I received about caring for rabbits is to buy a bale of hay from a local feed store instead of the tiny packs from the pet store. In California, bales are often ~100 lbs for only around $20-30 a bale, and these typically last about four months for two ~4.5 lb rabbits in my experience — disregarding Squishy since I have only had him for two months. I have heard from other bunny friends in other states that their bales are more like $5 for one!

For reference, anecdotally, I have bought bales of timothy for $30 and orchard grass for $26 in San Diego at Mary’s Tack & Feed, and I have bought bales of orchard grass for $28 and forage hay for $21 from Sam’s Downtown Feed in San Jose.

Regardless, having enough hay to feed two rabbits for over three months for less than $40 is quite a bargain in my book! I remember the first days of having Bao Bao, I would buy these $8 8 oz bags of timothy hay that would last less than two weeks. I can feed multiple bunnies hay for a month now for that price!


Mimi in the Traveling Bunny Dress

Mimi laying in the pink dress

Not amused, is he?

One of the latest bunny community projects I’ve been involved in is the bunnyhood of traveling dress. Unfortunately, I haven’t managed to stuff any of the bunnies yet in it, but I dressed Mimi up in the meantime so I had something to write about since I’ve had the dress for half a week now. 😛

Read more details here.